This year The Charmer referred to his pink plastic pumpkin as his "backpack."
Yes, he got the pink pumpkin because, as of late, the girls are no longer into the color pink. They pawned the pink one off to their little brother with absolutely no resistance from the Charmer. He was just stoked to have a new "packpack" for his "tandy" :)
So with his bright pink pumpkin in hand, he walked door to door and asked oh so sweetly,
"More tandy in my packpack pease?"
It's definitely the fault of his parents, but this little guy has a serious thing for candy these days.
And when his Papa told him no more candy tonight, he dropped his head and his shoulders, and he just started bawling.
It wasn't a fit.
It was genuine sadness.
And when his Papa tried to explain that he was going to be just fine, that cute little Charmer told his Papa,
"But Papa, I wuv tandy so much."
It took him another five minutes to pull it together and stop crying.
But he finally got a grip after I put his pajamas on. Him and the spunky girl were fast asleep two minutes after their heads hit their pillows.
The Dancing girl and My Siah wanted to sleep in their costumes tonight... so they did.
These kiddos know how to make me grin from ear to ear. :)
Halloween around here is a time when we chat about being dead to sin and alive in Christ.
We had our annual Shindig on Sunday and we spent tonight at a friend's house eating pizza and trick or treating, since there's not much good trick or treating going on out here in the country. :)
And there you have it, Halloween on the Farm
Hope y'all had a Happy Halloween! :)