I know I've been MIA from our little family blog lately. The reasons are many I'm sure, but mostly it's probably simply business.
Since being able to let go of some of my ridiculous expectations, life at the One-Room-School-House has much improved. We have found our joy again and I'm super grateful. :)
I've felt encouraged as a Mama by a couple of chapters in this awesome book... Reminders that prayer is my greatest tool as a Mama, and that the Lord is full of abundant grace towards me.
(I might share bits and pieces of these pages here sometime soon. :)
(I might share bits and pieces of these pages here sometime soon. :)
Lately I've felt refreshed by His Word.
I've been so thankful for these warm summer-like days lingering this late in October.
And this past weekend we were so blessed to spend a few days at a friend's ranch in Nebraska. As we drove down their crushed rock driveway, the kids got all wide-eyed and started cheering.
"MOOOOM!!! They-have-HORSES!" The Dancing Girl, she declared it all giddy in slow-mo.
My Hal, she has a thing for horses. Have you ever read the story of Felicity. My Dancing Girl dreams about being Felicity. And even more so, she loves Felicity's horse, Penny.
And when she looked out the car window and saw those beautiful brown horses behind the fence, she couldn't help herself.
"Mom! There's Penny! Penny lives here! Penny lives on THIS ranch!"
I sat there smiling in the front seat. I love it when she gets all wrapped up in joy like that. :)
Our friends were truly hospitable and made us feel right at home.
After a grand tour of the ranch, My Siah found his nitch and drove everything he could find with a motor and four wheels.
We had an awesome steak dinner and hung out by the fire.
And the next morning my Hal went out before breakfast and met up with the Trail Boss out at the stables.
She got up on that horse like she'd been riding them her whole life. The horse was five times her size and she was fearless.
The kids had a blast.
We had a blast.
It was a weekend of nothing but blessing!
A HUGE Thank You to Co and Kevin!
On the beautiful drive home, there was a bit of chatter about bringing horses to the farm. There are so many things that would be fun to do with the treasures as they grow up here on our little farm. But my wise Cowboy is great at bringing us all back down to earth. There might be a horse in our future. But for now. we'll just soak up our memories made at The Ranch on a fabulous weekend in mid October. :)