My most precious friend Tara has once again blessed my socks off and made our little family blog lovely. I could never thank her enough for the zillions of ways that she blesses me in this life. Truly, truly grateful for her.
Besides the design, we've made a few changes...
You can click on each of the pictures in the side bar to read a bit more about our little family and there are a few new links in the side bar as well.
A few of the links don't work quite yet but they will... :)
I also decided to remove the comment section from my blog. There are several reasons why this heart of mine needed to make this change but I guess it really started when I read this prayer over at her blog...
What I really truly want more than anything in this life is to be like Him, to bring glory to Him, to truly live for Him, and to be held up by Him, and be nudged into Him, always and forever in everything. But truth be told, I am the most fleshly of all women and I get caught up in others, in what they think of me... and if I'm not mindful, I start to care more about what they think than about what He thinks.
If I'm going to blog, I want to learn to blog genuinely for His glory, for His praise, for His honor. And thus no comments is a very small first step for me, to remind myself that anything I say, anything I write is only worth something if it leads others into His presence. This blog is the story of our little farm family longing for more and more of Him while living out the raw and real day-to-day with one another. My prayer is that when you read, you don't get caught up in our family and the things we do right or the things we do wrong, but rather you get lost in His wildest grace that He is so mercifully raining down on us each day of this crazy life.
I LOVE chatting about His extravagant love, about the real things, about the hard things, about the sweet things that He gives, about the sweet things that He takes away.
You can still contact me by slipping a little note in my inbox... @ leavingcomfortforcourage(at)gmail(dot)com.
So honored you stopped by our small space in this great big cyber world.
Hope your heart is blessed. :)