On Mother's Day we went to the zoo for a few hours. My Halee-belle was not feeling so well so she sat in the stroller the entire time. But the other kids and Papa and I fed the giraffes and enjoyed each others company...
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is much smaller than what we were used to in San Diego. But it has some really sweet treats about it... One being, that you can feed the giraffes without having to pay an arm and leg for a special tour. Even Reesie fed one of the huge giraffes... to tell you the truth I was kinda surprised that she wasn't scared off her rocker when the 18 foot animal lowered his head and sucked that cracker right out of her hand with his disgustingly long tongue. But she didn't even make a peep. In fact she kinda gave that giraffe a nasty look... like.. "you big, old, men giraffe, you just took my snack." :) It was actually kinda funny.