Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reesie's Prayer Party

Reesie's gonna be one year old tomorrow! We had a few friends over on Sunday for our first ever Prayer Party! Shortly after Hal was born I read a book called "The Power Of A Praying Parent." In the back of the book, the author shared an idea about a prayer dinner that she would have for her kids once a year. I loved the idea and shared it with my friend Milly, and she gave me the idea of incorporating it into our kid's birthday parties.

So that's exactly what we did for Reesie's First Birthday, and I must confess that it was one of the sweetest times in my whole life with my little Reesie. :)

Joey and I spent a little time before the party talking through some qualities that we wanted to pray into Reesie's life for this upcoming year... then we found some verses that went along with each quality. This year, some of the qualities that we picked for her were, humility, a good share-er, joyful obedience, a lover of prayer, and a few others. We wrote the qualities and the verses on 3x5 cards.

After dinner, we gathered all our guests and handed each family that was represented a prayer card with the quality and their corresponding verses.
I sat in the middle of everyone holding Reesie. Each family took turns reading their verses out loud to the group and then praying that the Lord would grow those specific qualities into Reesie's life throughout this next year. It was the biggest blessing to look around the room as such precious friends prayed sincerely and tenderly over our little girl. It was so cute to watch Reesie too. I know that she is so small but she understands so many things. After each family was done praying, Reesie would say, AMEN, AMEN! It was the best! I'm hoping her little heart was soaking up every minute of it!

I love the friendship between all the kids that came over.... they all have so much fun together!

I made a Cheezy Italian Bake, salad and some garlic bread.... It was so yummy. And after our prayer time, we pulled out the cupcakes.... We also had some rocket popsicles that brought me back to summertime as a kid! Hal wanted one so bad but she didn't like licking the popsicle so she just walked around with it until it had offically melted all over her dress and all over the ground. (Thank goodness for Costco-size Spray N Wash... takes out any size stain!!)

She looks so pretty to me in the picture below...

I love parties because I love watching my kids absolutely cherishing each bit of their cupcakes... Here's Hal... She closed her eyes and took the BIGGEST bite that she could!

Here's Reesie... So the truth is that she has totally had cupcakes before... this is most definitely NOT her first one (She's kid # 3) :)! But I still loved watching her... She REALLY WENT FOR IT!!
Below is the progression...

I am trying desperately to get a good family photo... maybe someday? This is the best one we could manage this time around... There's Hal... still holding that popsicle. :)

And I love this picture of Reesie and I. That smile of hers is totally contagious!!!!
Happy birthday sweet girl!