On Wednesday during breakfast Reesie started acting weird... Well... actually... the weird part is that most of the time she was acting normal... but every twenty minutes or so she would scream in pain, pull up her legs into her chest, and kinda thrash herself around for about a minute, then she would be fine again... She did that a few times.
But then, the forth time she did it, I was watching her face and when the crying and thrashing were over, her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her whole body went limp... I could get her to respond quickly but I knew something wasn't right...
I took her to the doctor and as I explained things to him, He got a "worried" look on his face and said that she had most of the symptoms for something called, intasusception, which is where the intestines kinda telescope into themselves causing an excruciating pain... The only two things that she didn't have were, blood in her stools and vomiting. He told me to take her down to children's hospital for some testing because it could be life-threatening and she could need surgery... It was so weird... I couldn't believe what he was saying... I guess I was a little shocked because I was expecting him to say some thing like, "she has a ear infection... here's some antibiotics... come back in a few days to follow up...
But what the doctor had said made me really nervous... and before we could get down to the hospital Reesie had two more of her little "episodes".... My precious friend Milly sent out an email to our women's bible study and all of a sudden I was getting all these texts and phone calls from people who were praying for Reesie... Before I knew it, it felt like everyone that I knew, knew about Reesie and was praying! I just feel overwhelmed (in a good way) being a part of the body of Christ. I never have to go through things alone. And I have a mighty team of prayer warriors ready to talk to our AWESOME God whenever I am in need! I am so grateful!

All this to say, they did some tests, took some xrays, & ended up doing a little "air" enema which seemed to have solved the problem completely...

As we were leaving the hospital and Reesie was chatting away in my arms and acting completley like herself again, Joey put his arm around us and said, "You know, I think it was the Lord who healed our little girl today as all those people prayed."
... I totally agree, Babe!!!!!!!
I am feeling extra grateful for my treasures this morning... You just never know what the Lord has in store for their little lives... Blessing upon blessing... another day together...
On a much lighter note...
I asked Siah to please pass the OJ at the breakfast table yesterday, and replied with,
"Mom, the names not Siah, it's Spiderman!!!!"
"Sorry, Spiderman, can you please pass the juice?"
:) How cute is he?