Happy Valentines Day...
How to have a fun, fabulous, and full of laughter and life, Valentine's Day party on a "blame the economy" budget...
1. Begin with the best invention since sliced bread, The Evite...
2. Get comfortable with the word DELEGATE... people love to be a part of things... So first things first... Make your party a potluck... this way you get a wide variety of everyone's favorite foods...
3. When someone asks, "Oh, I heard you are doing a craft, can I get ALL the supplies for you?" You say with a smile on your face, "Yes please. Thank you soo much for offering. What a blessing you are!!" (Thanks Anna & Tara... What amazingly wonderful friends you are... seriously)
4. Don't... I repeat, DO NOT overly clean your house before everyone arrives... vacuuming makes everything seem so much cleaner than it really is.. light a candle with a "fresh scent."
I promise your floor will look like THIS just five minutes after everyone arrives... So why clean twice?
5. When Granny brings your kids a GIANT thing of sidewalk chalk say, "Thank you! This will be perfect for our party!" Then when the kids need an "activity" bust out the chalk and let them draw all over the fence in the back yard...
6. Whip up some delicious cupcakes... not that homemade stuff... waaaay too complicated... besides, honestly, the box stuff tastes sooooo good!!! (Just in case you were wondering (JICYWW), Target most definitely has the best prices on cake mix and frosting)!
6. Say goodbye to table or chair rentals... just tell the kids that they get to have an indoor picnic on your kitchen floor... and they will be fired up for life!!!
7. Then spend the rest of the party loving, laughing, eating, playing, jumping, skipping, and just having a jolly good time with all the amazing friends that God has put into your life!!!
9. After the last friend walks out the door and closes the gate behind them... Pull out every cleaning supply that you own and get to work so that your husband is unable to find any evidence that your Valentines Day Extravaganza was the least bit chaotic!
10. When all is said and done... Sit on the couch with this cute girl and watch the rain...
Thank the Lord for another wonderful day with awesome godly women who love him and love each other...
PS... did anyone leave these lovely cups at our house?