One of my favorite qualities that the Lord has given Josiah is his incredible imagination... Which I must admit, i absolutely love about him. With Josiah nothing is what it seems to be, the plastic blue spoon is the key that opens the trunk of his "motorcycle" which is really Halee's purple princess bike. I'm not sure how it all started but according to Josiah there's "snow bears" everywhere... Every night when we walk by Halee's old bedroom he puts his finger up to his mouth and says "SHHH, quiet Mama, the snow bear asleep in there. We no want to wake him up." Every time that we back out of the driveway (no matter where we are going) He reminds me, "Mama, make sure to watch out for the snow bears."
So today when we ALL woke up from naps, we took a walk to the park, and our walk quickly turned into a "bear hunt". We have these huge open fields by our house with lots of mature trees that make for a perfect adventure... As they skipped (more like a gallop, hop, run all mixed together type of movement) across the field with Papa, Josiah warned everyone about the snow bears... When we got to the park the green tunnel quickly became the "bear cave" and the swings became some kind of flying machine to quickly escape from the snow bears.
Josiah's imagination always make the "same old, same old," walk to the park sooo much more fun! Thanks for taking us on our bear hunt today budddy! I had the best time with you :)
One of my favorite qualities that God has given Halee is her bravery... She's willing to try anything and I absolutely love that about her!!!!! So here is a video of my brave little Halee who is only two and she can climb right up this ladder like it's no big deal... Way to go babe!!!